Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spray Tanning Aftercare at Envy

Spray Tan Maintenance and Aftercare

Avoid Sweating! Avoid activities that may cause you to sweat excessively and possibly cause streaking of the cosmetic bronzers. Remember your skin has just been treated with a water-soluble solution.

Avoid Water, Pools & Spas! You must avoid water entirely for at least 4 hours or you will deactivate DHA development and/or cause streaking. Avoid chemically treated pools and spas for at least 24 hours to prevent color from prematurely fading.

Wait to Shower! For maximum results, wait at least 4 hours before showering or bathing. Bathe with plain water only for the first 16 hours after your session to avoid fading and stripping of your instant color. Pat skin dry with a towel, do not rub. After 16 hours we recommend using a mild pH balancing shower gel such as Amber Sun Hydrating Body Wash.

We offer a complete line of products designed to optimize your spray tan experience.